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  4. Watanabe Daruma

Watanabe Daruma


According to the map of Yokomachi from 1863, Watanabe Daruma was founded byKawarasaku Kinshichi and Kawarasaku Hanemon, both roof tile craftsmen who also made Daruma dolls.The current owner of the shop is the 13th head.

The storehouses are thought to have been constructed in the late Edo era and reminiscent of the old times when the horse markets took place actively. There are three rooms on the first floor and two on the second floor; each of these rooms installs an alcove to keep horses and a closet. At present, the buildings are used for daruma production. Behind the storehouses, a warehouse and an itakura-style rice granary line up.

Designated on March 12th, 2012.

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Open to public

External view only

Business at time of construction
